Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Max at Night by Ed Vere


This review was written by: B
Received: Publisher (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky)
Publication Date of Book: Sept. 1, 2016
Pages: 32
Stars: 5/5

Official Summary;
This is Max.  Max is very sleepy.  It's way past Max's bedtime.  Max has drunk his milk.  Max has brushed his teeth.  Max has cleaned behind his ears.  Now Max just needs to say goodnight . . . 

Max is tired and all ready for bed, but when he can't find the moon to say goodnight to, he sets out to find it.  But that's not as easy as Max had hoped . . . Witty and heart-warming, this stylish and beautifully illustrated book is the perfect bedtime read.

My Thoughts:
Max is the sweetest, most adorable little kitten that I have ever come across!  Before bed, he likes to say goodnight to a series of things, including Fish, Box, Spider, and Moon.  However, when he goes to his window, Moon is nowhere to be found, but Max won't rest until he bids Moon a good night!

This is truly one of the most ideal bedtime stories that I have come across thus far!  For starters, the illustrations are perfect with absolutely gorgeous coloring.  Soothing blue hues and warm, melting reds will gather gravitating readers, inviting them in with a strong sense of comfort.  The reds and oranges were so enriching and the blues were equally all-consuming!  This was literally one of my favorite picture books because of its color palette alone. 



 I also personally loved how Vere portrayed Max.  The doe-eyed, black kitten was so small, that when it came to him being placed against the vast, evening settings, a feeling of awe cannot help but surface within certain readers as they flip from page to page.  It is a great perspective for children to see.  There were even a few pages in which what was going to show up next was foreshadowed by being drawn with less detail and focus on the end of the right most page, which I thought was fabulous because this gives children a sense pf excitement for what they can expect next.   

Max at Night was a great addition to the Max series and, in my opinion, will not disappoint its already won over fans. Plus, it will most likely add more fans to its ranks.  It has a great rhythm and strong repetitive storytelling process.  As a result, this is a fantastic book to read aloud and hold a younger audience's attention.  Vere even added in a little bit of enjoyable humor.  All I can say is that this man easily stole the stage with a great addition to his already impressive collection of stories.  I can't wait to see what this delightful little feline does next!  Only one thing is certain, though: I'm sure that the story will be purrfect!  (I couldn't help myself!  Sorry!!!)

Win a copy of this book at the following link:

Author Links: 
Twitter: @ed_vere
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ed_vere/ 

Max at Night landing page: http://books.sourcebooks.com/maxatnight/

Download the activity kit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx4ZhGcf82dneVdyYlBJUzdNMUk/view?pref=2&pli=1

Rafflecopter: Enter for a chance to win an original sketch by author and illustrator Ed Vere and a copy of Max at Night!

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