Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Peculiar (The Peculiar #1) by Stefan Bachmann

This review was written by: B
Received: Library
Publishing Date of Book: September 2012
Pages: 376
Stars: (5/5)

He didn't care if the faeries hated him, or the people feared him.  He was stronger than them.

In a different kind of world where people and faeries collide, magic is waiting to happen. It is here that Bartholomew Kettle, a Peculiar, lives in the faery slums.  Like any other Peculiar, he is looked down upon and shunned.  His life is formed by following the most important rule he knows: Don't get yourself noticed and you won't get yourself hanged.  While his life has not been easy, he still holds on.  Residing in an apartment with his mother and younger Peculiar sister, Hettie, he hopes to find the one thing he believes he can never have: a friend.  When he sees the only boy he can call a companion, his neighbor who lives across the street, taken by a woman in plum, his life spins out of control.  He has not only witnessed a kidnapping, but he has also been seen by the same woman in plum.  Soon his sister is taken away from him and his mother.  It is now up to him to find her.  With the help of Arthur Jelliby, a man who wishes to go unseen as well, they set out into a dangerous world that may just fall apart at the seams.  Will they find Hettie?  Is it possible that they will find out why so many Peculiars are being taken and murdered?  Can they put a stop to the mysterious and evil Mr. Lickerish who plays apart in all of this? Find all this out and more in the wonderful book, Peculiar, by Stefan Bachmann!
I have to say that this book was beautifully written.  Bachmann created a vivid and vibrant place that added a special element that no other book has.  The eerie and creepy feel to The Peculiar naturally drew me in along with the imaginative and colorful characters.  I am happy to say that I have never read a book quite like this one!  Now I just have to get my hands on the second installment!

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